I am posting this so that those of you who value the awesome birds and birding opportunities we have at the waterfront will take action to try to prevent an expansion of the airport on the Islands. Below is a link to a VERY SHORT Youtube video featuring a Toronto city council meeting regarding the effects on the bird population such an expansion will have.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Upb5WoTfAq81)The video explains how vital this area is to the birds migrating across the Great Lakes.
2)It also explains that the jet planes being proposed are more dangerous to birds, and vice versa than are prop planes.
3)Finally, it reveals that the PORTS TORONTO (formerly the Toronto Port Authority) will eventually begin controlling the bird population in the area by CULLING POPULATIONS AND TAMPERING WITH BIRD ENVIRONMENTS. This will affect resident water birds as well as environments for transient song birds migrating through the area.
Please do not be complacent! Email your councillor to tell them to vote NO to the expansion. It is so little to ask and will take only minutes of your time!
You can find your ward/councillor, and email address at this link:
http://www1.toronto.ca/wps/portal/conte ... d60f89RCRDThank you for caring!
Happy birding