Central Europe May
Outdoor Ontario

Central Europe May

anatum · 7 · 1746


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Did a tour of central Europe in May but am not terribly familiar with the birds there. The countries I visited were Switzerland, Serbia, Germany and the Czech Republic. All I have is a 300mm lens so forgive the small images but hopefully there is enough to ID.
I have a lot here, you might want to get a pen and paper out – I hope you do this for fun.
Since I don’t know the rarity of any of these birds, short of White Storks lol, if there is a less common bird please let me know.

1. Mallard Hybrid Germany

2. Domestic duck? Germany

3. Domestic duck? Germany

4. Domestic duck? Germany

5. Eurasian Coot Germany

6. Redstart Czech Republic

7. Unknown Accipiter Czech Republic

8. White Stork Czech Republic

9. Greylag goose Czech Republic

10. Eurasian Kestrel Czech Republic

11. Swallow? Czech Republic

12. Tufted? Czech Republic

13. Shag? Czech Republic

14. Grey Heron Czech Republic

15. Dipper Czech Republic

16. Unknown Czech Republic

17. Unknown Czech Republic

18. Unknown Czech Republic

19. Unknown Czech Republic

20a. Unknown – I think it is the same bird as 20b Czech Republic

20b. Czech Republic

21. Unknown raptor Czech Republic

22. Unknown Czech Republic

23. Thrush Czech Republic

24. Thrush Czech Republic

25. Unknown Czech Republic

26. Thrush chick Czech Republic

27. European Green Woodpecker Czech Republic

28. Thrush? Czech Republic

29. Sand Martin Czech Republic

30. Thrush Czech Republic

31. Kestrel Czech Republic

32. Tit Czech Republic

33. Finch? Czech Republic

34. White wagtail Czech Republic

35. Unknown raptor Czech Republic

36. Unknown Czech Republic

37. Swallow? Czech Republic

38. Eurasian Nuthatch Czech Republic/Serbia

39. Long-tailed tit Czech Republic

40. Shrike Serbia

41. Shrike (female)? Serbia

42. Unknown Serbia

43. Rook?

44. Unknown Serbia

45. Unknown Serbia

46. Whiskered tern Serbia

47. Black redstart male Serbia

48. Black redstart female Serbia

49. Unknown Serbia

50. Eurasian golden oriole Serbia

51. Great spotted woodpecker Serbia

52. Unknown raptor Serbia

53. Red-crested pochard male Switzerland

54. Red-crested pochard female Switzerland

55. Great-crested grebe Switzerland

56. Blue Tit Switzerland

57. Short-toed/Common Treecreeper? Switzerland

58. Unknown Raptor Switzerland

59. Woodpigeon? Switzerland

60. Common blackbird Switzerland

61. Thrush Switzerland

62. Blackcap Czech Republic

63. Red kite Switzerland

64. Great tit Switzerland
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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The ones where I have something to add.

7. Eurasian Sparrowhawk
11. Collared Flycatcher
13. Great Cormorant
16. Ortolan Bunting, I think
17. Common Linnet
18 Spotted Flycatcher, I think
19. Fieldfare
21. Common Buzzard
22. Eurasian Jay
23. Fieldfare (juv)
24. Fieldfare
25. Chaffinch (fem), I think
26 Fieldfare (juv)
28 Fieldfare
30 Song Thrush
32 Marsh Tit
33 European Serin
35 Common Buzzard
36 Garden Warbler
37 House Martin
40-41 Red-backed Shrike
42 Acrocephalus Warbler, best identified to species by voice
44 Eurasian Jay
45 Acrocephalus Warbler, best identified to species by voice
49 Yellowhammer
52 Common Buzzard
58 Common Buzzard
61 Song Thrush

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Thank you Thomas. You are quite the resource!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Where in Germany did you go?  I'm going in August myself.  What were among the most common birds you remember seeing?  Like the Equivalent to our Robins for example.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Today is a good day to bird!


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Quote from: "Rotarran"
Where in Germany did you go?  I'm going in August myself.  What were among the most common birds you remember seeing?  Like the Equivalent to our Robins for example.

Try the target species in eBird to see which are the most common birds: http://ebird.org/ebird/canada/targets?r1=DE&bmo=1&emo=12&r2=DE&t2=year
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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That was a great idea Thouc, thank you.  I'm hoping to see some interesting stuff there although I'm not exactly going at an ideal time of the year.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Today is a good day to bird!


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Hey Rotarran,

Sorry for the late reply but I was up north on vacation. Yes, what Thomas said is a better idea than my response was going to be. I didn't get out into the country side in Germany so I was restricted to city birds. I went to Nuremburg and Konstanz. Not exactly birding hotspots but Konstanz is on a lake so Great-crested grebes, Coots and Red-crested Porchards will be common water birds. Aside from that, I found lots of swifts (not sure of species), Black-headed gulls and Common blackbirds in most European cities. In Nuremburg I saw 4 Canada geese along a short stretch of river.
If you will be in the south of Germany check out this site I found for Switzerland http://www.vogelwarte.ch/en/birds/birds-of-switzerland/ it has English and pictures.
Take lots of pictures and post them here for Thomas to ID!

Enjoy your trip!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »