Blue Jay
Outdoor Ontario

Blue Jay

Paul O'Toole

  • Old Timer
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    • Posts: 765
Love running into these birds during the fall.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


  • Frequent Users
  • Old Timer
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    • Posts: 3259
I swear, I've lived all these years and never seen real blue before now.
Although scooping up copper sulfate I recall being a real rush.
Your jays are so much richer-looking than mine. I think blue is now my
favourite colour, if I were into that sort of thing.
I'm seeing a lot of Blue Jays this year, although none of them at close range.
If I fail to see them I can certainly hear them. A sound I associate with fall.
Your jay shots make me want to go out for a walk in the park, and that, my friend
is the greatest compliment I can bestow. Keep posting photos like that and I may
actually get the required amount of exercise.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »