I went for a walk in Sam Smith Park early this morning and found lots of new arrivals including:
Common Loon (2)
Common Tern (1)
Northern Flicker
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (1)
Brown Creeper
Hermit Thrush
Fox Sparrows (2)
Swamp Sparrow (1)
There are lots of Red-necked grebes scattered around the park. I didn't attempt to count, but there are over 100, some well out from shore. I also saw at least half a dozen Horned Grebes in a variety of plumages near shore. Ducks were generally scarce: just a scattering of the usual suspects for this time of year.
There are quite a few Tree Swallows now. I counted 46 huddled in one tree, but there were several others flying around as well.
There's a pair of Coopers Hawks nesting near the high school. The nest's in a deciduous tree, near the first bend in the road. It is directly in line with the southbound lane of Col. Sam Smith Park Drive. (If the road went straight, you would drive underneath it.)
There was a small flock of Cedar Waxwings in the orchard north of the high school ( I checked for Bohemians, but no luck.
Also, I couldn't find one in the park, but I've had a White-throated Sparrow hanging around my backyard since yesterday.