Fantastic series of pictures.
Is there a book or website you can recommend for identification?
Hello, yes there are a few resources I suggest.
1) Peterson Guide Moth to Northeast North America by David Beadle ( BTW he is from Toronto and the taxon leader of the High park Moth study Group, of which I belong)
there are a few misidentifications with this book but it is an excellent book for beginner moth-ers. Very user-friendly.....make sure you grab the Northeast book, not Southeast
Don't be overwhelmed by the number of moths in the book (1000+) will likely not see many of these moths, try to familiarize yourself with the families
2) Moths and Caterpillars of the North Woods by Jim number of moths, but good beginner guide
3) Caterpillars of Eastern North America by David L. Wagner...focus is caterpillars but, has moth photos included, great book
4) (you will need to submit a voucher photo, someone will identify)
5) keyword - Moth photographer's Group (Mississippi University) Excellent online resource again, you'll need to familiarize yourself with the moth families to navigate this site, best bet is to key in specific moth you are looking for
6) iNaturalist....if you post photos here, I can try identify your specimens for you
I hope this helps....good luck! Any questions, email me