North Carolina Birds
Outdoor Ontario

North Carolina Birds


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I was in Durham, North Carolina recently to attend my daughter's White Coat ceremony at Duke. One morning I decided to drive down to Mason Inlet Waterbird Management area on Wrightsville beach by the Atlantic coast. It was 2 and half drive from Durham, not bad and I managed to see three life birds besides 22 other species I saw during my three hour exploration on the beach. They had large fenced off areas for nesting Terns and plovers and there were plenty of them. Here are some of the birds that I managed to see and photograph. It was hot and humid day; I had to quit after three hours fearing a heat stroke and couldn't make it out the south side of the beach where there were 400 or so nesting Black Skimmers (could've been a nice life bird).

1. Laughing Gull - though appears to be laughing, in reality it was panting to stay cool.

2. American Oystercatcher

3. Willet

4. Wilson's Plover

5. Least Tern

6. Tri-colored Heron

7. Brown Pelican - those skeletal outline on the wings make them appear like something out of Jurassic World.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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An outstanding success that you will likely remember for quite some time.
Your photos are all terrific down-to-earth captures which makes them very
intimate and satisfying. The Oystercatcher in particular is a shot I could
look at, and will look at repeatedly. What a captivating eye! The approaching
stance and the turn of the head ... just perfect. The Willet is posed as if it
had a swagger. Have not seen any of these species and probably never will.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Quote from: "Shortsighted"
Have not seen any of these species and probably never will.
Never say never. Two years ago I saw my first Tri-colored Heron in Tommy Thompson Park, two years prior to that I saw a pair of Wilson's Plover in Toronto Island. Willets are regularly seen but I always missed them here. This year in the Spring a Laughing Gull showed up in Ashbridges Bay Park. I am sure others may show up as vagrants from time to time.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »