I wonder if your alien finches are escapees from some facility. AWOL if you will.
Am I correct in assuming there were two of them. Male and female? Accomplices
in the great escape. Can't be too bright, yes I know they are black birds, I mean
can't be too clever to escape a nice warm facility, with Galapagos-like temperatures
in order to visit your feeder. Do you smoke your seeds with THC? Just a thought.
A photo would be definitive if you can figure out your tech. Tech 1, user 0.
You know the famous linear drawing showing the evolution of hominids from the
diminutive and severely stooped Australopithecus through progressively grander
expressions and more impressive physiognomy all the way to Homo Erectus and finally
Homo Sapiens, standing bolt upright with a smug grin. Well, to my mind, where
ever it might be right now, I think the Anthropocene will feature the next incarnation on
the series, Homo Digitalus, dressed in banal synthetics and hunched over a cell phone,
not paying attention as its leg is lifted in full stride at the very brink of a precipice.