….. I've only
seen a Black Scoter once and it was too far away. A Surf Scoter has eluded me so far. I hope I will
soon see some waterfowl photos on this forum, especially those taken with long glass. Mine were
all taken with a 200mm lens.
You got some excellent photos despite the lens limitation that you mentioned. Two weeks ago I saw my first Black Scoter at the end of Grays Road in Stoney Creek, Hamilton. There was a group of both sexes mingling with other waterfowl. It was a windy and cloudy day. Not only the birds were far out in the lake, the choppy water in the lake didn't help. I had 500mm lens with 1.4 extender on it. Yet, it still didn't produce any stellar image; however good for ID and make my life list. The Surf Scoter (second image) was taken at Burlington Lift Bridge on the same day; it was a bit closer to the pier and thus a better picture.
1. A group of Black Scoter ( male and female). The male has that distinctive orange knob on its beak.
2. Surf Scoter (Male)