A Cone of Contention
Outdoor Ontario

A Cone of Contention


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Yes, all this fuss was about a pine cone. A juvenile Bald Eagle with leaves and pine cone in its talons ( enlarged inset) was being chased by a sub-adult Bald Eagle, most likely 3 years old. Food fight among Eagles are well documented; however, fight over a mere pine cone is something else. The juvie was probably on its way to the nest it fledged from, either to hone his/her skills on future nest building ability or simply to play with it. Whatever the reason the juvie was in no mood to share his/her prized possession. This continued for a while before the older eagle gave up the chase and they went their own ways. Valley Inn, Burlington.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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You always find the best stuff, I haven't even photographed any eagle. Maybe I will go to Burlington instead of Cranberry Marsh.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Don't over analyse this behavior. It's only theatre. They are just practicing their
roles for an up-coming production, maybe "On the wings of Eagles" or some such
extravaganza. The pine cones are just props, chosen extemporaneously because
the real props trailer was locked and therefore these two actors needed to improvise.
I'm sure you will catch the show when it opens. There may be some improv at
Cranberry Marsh. I would love to have the problem of having to decide whether to
explore east or west. I think that I could handle that kind of stress as opposed to
the kind that governs my activities now. Either direction will probably deliver some-
thing interesting.
Dinu, you and big bird(s) have something special going on. You find them and they
find you and I vicariously tag along.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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You are right SS, there's no need to overanalyze - they are playing certain roles in the world stage. I remember photographing another juvenile Bald Eagle in 2015 in Ajax Rotary Park, playing with what appears to be a clay lamp, primarily used in Hindu religious festival. She would grab the lamp, jump up , fly forward with it and then land with a thump. Once the lamp fell from her grip and she went back to pick it up. Not sure what part of the lamp interested her. Or this antics might be all part of being a juvenile. It was so much fun to watch. In regards to me having something special going on with birds of prey, haha, I wished it were true. - I am not a bird of prey whisperer.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Quote from: "Dinusaur"
You are right SS, there's no need to overanalyze - they are playing certain roles in the world stage. I remember photographing another juvenile Bald Eagle in 2015 in Ajax Rotary Park, playing with what appears to be a clay lamp, primarily used in Hindu religious festival. She would grab the lamp, jump up , fly forward with it and then land with a thump. Once the lamp fell from her grip and she went back to pick it up. Not sure what part of the lamp interested her. Or this antics might be all part of being a juvenile. It was so much fun to watch. In regards to me having something special going on with birds of prey, haha, I wished it were true. - I am not a bird of prey whisperer.

He looked all serious!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »