On Saturday morning I drove to Port Dover to see and photograph a flock of 16 Black-bellied Whistling Ducks - a rarity in Ontario. First time I saw a Black-bellied Whistling Duck was in an aviary in Mexico, 2015. Since it wasn't a wild bird, it didn't make my life list then. They are considered vagrant in Ontario, one or two shows up here and there from time to time. However, finding a flock of 16 is quite a sight. From there I drove a little further west to Walshingham to see and photograph a juvenile Blue Grosbeak, another un-common vagrant in Ontario. This is not my first Blue Grosbeak sighting in Ontario. The first time I saw one was in 2017 in High Park, Toronto. The Ducks were easy to find; however, the Grosbeak was not so, had to look for 2 hours before I saw it any close for an acceptable photo. One the way out I saw Stephen, one of the contributors of this site. I hope he got to see the Grosbeak.
1. Black-bellied Whistling Duck
2. Blue Grosbeak - juvenile