Two and half Life Birds
Outdoor Ontario

Two and half Life Birds


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Thanks for posting! Now find a barn owl please~ We need more pics

Has anyone on this board found a barn owl? Someone I generally accept as being knowledgeable about birding told me that there are 6 barn owl pairs in Ontario.....once going back a few decades I stayed at a resort on Manitoulin Island and they had a stuffed Barn Owl.....never got the story on the time I had no idea that they were not abundant up here at all.

Seeing a wild Barn Owl in Ontario will be a miracle. But people go to see a captive one in Canadian Raptor Conservancy in Vittoria near Port Dover after paying an entrance fee.


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There was a Barn Owl in Mountsberg Raptor Conservatory in Halton also when I visited in the summer.

I have a hard time finding Screech Owls in the wild, let alone a Barn Owl!


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Barn owls are extremely rare and not reported in Ontario due crowds they would cause... rumors of them being around Fort Erie area and down by Pelee persist.  There was an article couple years ago in  a paper about wind turbines being placed in a area which locals were protesting,  article seems normal ..until it was stated that the turbines could effect the nesting barn owls in a barn nearby..... the article still brought peolpe looking even thought it was determined the owls hadn't used the barn for several years
I was so determined to see a barn owl , I book a trip to Arizona to see them...but that has all changed due to covid now
Keep looking and maybe someday in Ontario.....last year one was spotted in Presquille park in Oct  for one day, drew crowds of 200 birders..I wasn't one of them , didn't heard until after and this year one was spotted and photographed up by Kincardine area/.... not sure if these birds were local breeders or just vagrants migrating


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Well it's on my list.....just after Ivory Billed Woodpecker......