Boreal vs. Saw-whet Owl
Outdoor Ontario

Boreal vs. Saw-whet Owl


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After my two previous failed attempts to find a Boreal Owl in a Conservation Area in Hamilton I finally managed to see it on the 27th. I arrived at the location around 3 and after looking for it in its previously reported area with no luck, a gentleman pointed me in the right direction. And there it was, sitting deep inside a pine tree, close to the trunk and about 6 meter high. Despite $15.50 entrance fee x 3 and the cost of driving it was still worth it. It's a life bird for me. Here are some photos of it. For comparison, I also added Northern Saw-whet owl photo taken many months ago in a local Toronto park.


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Nice work Dinu. That is if one can actually call it work. It was a good idea to compare the Boreal with the quite similar-looking Saw-Whet owl and you knew that it would make Ally jump up and down with delight. The owl's intense scrutiny is unsettling. Why did you have to pay thrice? Oh, I get it ... yourself, your enormous lens strapped against the passenger seat, and also the decoy Boreal owl in the back seat. It's so cool that you can make it open its beak that way. So, I guess the decoy comes with different settings. Batteries included? By the way, you know that the price of gas is going way up tonight. You were wise to make the trip when you did.


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Thanks and CONGRATS! Nothing better than hunting down a'll be seeing them all over now.

That was the snowy owl for me a few years ago....which btw I saw another one between Stayner and Horshoe Valley Road last Friday.