Outdoor Ontario



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 According to Charline, a male Harlequin duck has been spotted at various locations on Lake Ontario in and around the GTA coastline. A more comprehensive assessment can be reviewed on ebird. I can’t help but think how fortunate we are that one of these outlaw ducks manages to pass through our respectable town most years, even though this species does not normally visit inland sites, instead preferring the eastern and western seaboard.
Once again, it seems that the zebra mussels have attracted another diving duck to our littoral wonderland.
 Aside from its stage name, Harley Quinn, for the Latin name for this species means “actor”, it goes by many aliases. Indeed, too many to mention, even for me. I figure that any duck with so many aliases must be a renegade, always on the move to evade detection and is rightly described as elusive by Charline. Also, the stage costume may be impressive but when the duck opens it mouth to deliver its lines all that comes out are painfully irritating mouse-like squeaks and dissonant whistles that sound like someone is still learning how to use a wind instrument. Think of grade-school band performances.
 The population of Harlequin ducks in the east of North America has been declining. Climate change and habitat loss are almost always implicated in this trend.

Intimate back-stage moment with Harley Quinn

On a final note about this duck, it is a serious adrenaline junkie and relishes rough seas to the extent that it may even sustain injury against rocks amidst the crashing surf. Now, we don’t exactly have a crashing surf at Lake Ontario, but there are windy days when the waves do pound the rocks. This type of weather is likely to bring the lone Harley Quinn closer to shore to work on its surfing skills. We may be in for some windy days soon and that might be the best time to venture forth to those physically restrictive sites where the duck might approach shore to gamble on life and wing at surf city.



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 Apparently at least one Bufflehead duck has been hanging around the lone Harley Quinn and decided to take up the role of stunt double, how deluded, by spending time in the high surf. You better watch out little fella, those rocks are beckoning.