Predator bird, Tiny Township
Outdoor Ontario

Predator bird, Tiny Township


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This afternoon I was chillin on the driveway in the shade watching for birds with the boss when I clearly heard the shrill call of a Merlin in the tree tops close by. Everything went quiet as usual but for the sound of a young Crow moaning for food from mom/dad.
Earlier  we had Chippy's, Gold Finches, Robins, E Phoebe's calling and those birds that cannot be named.Not Jays.
Yesterday had a mystery bird while driving to Midland for supplies. I thought it was a Bobolink but it looked more like a Lark Bunting. Common sense tells me it was Red Winged Black bird with white wing bars.
Napper :) We drove back that way afterwards, didn't see anything.

Interesting site you should check out is
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