Not nearly as many Yellow-rumped warblers around as during my last visit to the park. Once again, the first warbler that I heard upon entering the west end of the park was a Yellow warbler. On this occasion I
was able to grab a shot of it, even while singing. The dogwood bushes and low shrubs did not reveal any additional warblers. The few that I noted, usually YRW, were located near the tops of the trees. Discovered another (single) White-crowned sparrow instead a group of them like last time. The small wooded area had a single Hermit thrush and a few WT sparrows but no sign of the Brown thrasher seen before. Most of the warblers, not many, were all located in a dense and dark area of woodland flanking the west side of the creek. There is a walkway running north-south with the wooded section on one side. In among the coniferous trees there was a Black & White warbler, several Black-throated green warblers, Black-throated blue warbler, several Yellow-rumped, Brown creeper and Warbling vireos. All of these birds were no lower than mid-story and therefore mostly out of reach, in addition to the general gloom from lack of penetrating sunlight. Also saw about four Baltimore orioles and a single RB grosbeak. The soundtrack included mostly Yellow warbler calls, the softer YRW calls, and the buzzy call of the BTG warbler (two buzzy notes followed by a rising three buzzy note scale). The orioles were also quite vocal.

Black-throated Green warbler (male)

Black & White warbler (2nd shot rotated)

Yellow-rumped warbler

Yellow warbler (male)