Walk in the Park - August 28 (Pickering Bluffs)
Outdoor Ontario

Walk in the Park - August 28 (Pickering Bluffs)


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Another morning after a modest north wind. Once again, the sun was covered by an annoying joke of a cloud that hung around like a bad odour. This morning the warblers stayed around longer than they usually do here near the bluffs. The best location was a bank of tall cedars and within the wooded area as far as sightings were concerned. The woods are dark due to extensive vegetation and therefore not the best place to shoot. I was out between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m.

Sightings included:

Adult Yellow-rumped warbler and juveniles / Cape May juvenile / Bay-breasted juvenile / Chestnut-sided juvenile / American Redstart juvenile or female / Eastern Wood Pewee / Ovenbird / Magnolia juvenile / Blackburnian juvenile / Common Yellowthroat juvenile / RE Vireo / and a few unknown warblers.

Unknown warbler ... red bill, crown like a Chestnut-sided but chest spot and too much yellow ... ?

Chestnut-sided juvenile

Common Yellowthroat juvenile

Cape May juvenile

Bay-breasted juvenile

American Redstart juvenile

Cape May juvenile

Yellow-rumped juvenile

Magnolia juvenile in deep shade

Magnolia juvenile

Red-eyed Vireo

« Last Edit: August 28, 2023, 05:03:28 PM by Shortsighted »


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