13 degrees at 7:30 this morning. The parkland adjacent to the bluffs was quiet with little movement or sounds. The lake down below was fairly calm with a kayak heading east, an anchored fishing boat and a cargo ship on the horizon. The sun was mostly covered by cloud making everything rather gloomy. I found a juvenile Common Yellowthroat within the first ten minutes but it disappeared almost immediately. No goldfinches and maybe one Song sparrow. The wooded area was dead quiet. All the bushes and trees were quiet elsewhere and my camera was set at ISO 1600 again.Half way through the park I found another C Yellowthroat at the foot of a mighty willow tree with an impressive girth and branches hanging all the way down to the grass as if I was in a Louisiana swamp. I managed one focused shot of it in poor light and distracting back-light. Once the under-exposed shot was cropped it supported an intense pixel storm despite processing. The highlight was a Bald eagle flyby that I didn't get a picture of because someone's dog was entangling itself with my feet. That dog didn't want me to pay attention to the eagle.