Pickering Bluffs - September 16
Outdoor Ontario

Pickering Bluffs - September 16


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Very calm morning and also very quiet near the bluffs. I didn't hear much in the way of warbler chatter and didn't catch any motion across the path. My first sighting was an almost mature Common Yellowthroat but it disappeared immediately so I couldn't get a shot of it. Eventually a juvenile Northern Parula showed up and it stayed around long enough for me to capture a few images. Then a Palm warbler made an appearance. The only other juvenile warbler that I saw this morning was a single Magnolia and an American Redstart. I also spotted one Ruby-crowned kinglet. Both Red-eyed vireo and Philadelphia vireo were seen but not in numbers. A few hummers and several catbirds rounded off the morning. No rapture flybys. Heard and then saw a single male B. Oriole and female Rose-breasted Grosbeak. Heard a kingfisher but didn't see it. Three flicker were ground feeding on ants but I couldn't get close enough because the ants would surely have gotten me. Vicious creatures!