Rouge field that isn't
Outdoor Ontario

Rouge field that isn't


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Beautiful morning and much less wind. Not many bird varieties to be seen. A few WT sparrows and Song sparrows and one Swamp sparrow*. I spotted about three RC kinglets and one Palm warbler, but maybe 50 Yellow-rumped warblers* all having emerged from one massive willow tree. Overhead, there were many squadrons of Canada geese flying low and in formation. Three crows were circling above. A Pileated WP called from the other side of the bottoms (beside the field) and therefore too far away for a good shot. Dozens of skittish juncos* roamed the field as well as the YRWs. Still no sign of Orange-crowned warblers or Blue-headed vireos. However, there was a pair of Green-winged teal* at a nearby pond.

Swamp sparrow

Pileated woodpecker


Juvenile Yellow-rumped warbler


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Very nice images!
Interesting site you should check out is
flkr...   Recent updates 2017 old pics
You know your getting old when.....wait, what?


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Lucky you! I haven't seen a pileated woodpecker for many years.