Cardinals at dusk with a twist@ the beach
Outdoor Ontario

Cardinals at dusk with a twist@ the beach

Napper · 1 · 1938


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Quick summary, Hot humid impending storms and then nothing.
large Group of Grackles heading South in Headlong Flight. (There is a song title in there somewhere)
AT 19:50 hrs my wife and and I were sitting on the deck enjoying the fact that the storms headed South of us even though we need the rain were listening to music when it happened.
Three Cardinals appeared, Male and female and clearly a Juvi. Here comes a Hummingbird probably protecting it's terrritory and it is all over it.
Following and hovering every where the Juvi and mom Cardinal moved, maybe it was the feed me calls it was making dunno!
Cardinals are doing well here at the beach. Didn't expect to have a humming bird react this way since they seem scarce this year.
napper :) tyoing in the dark

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