Duck in Fog
Outdoor Ontario

Duck in Fog


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Quite the fog this morning.  To truly appreciate fog I must head for open space.  No, not outer space, but an open expanse where nothing can penetrate the fog so that I can be enveloped and free of distraction, as long as I don't look down.  Naturally, I headed for the lakefront so that the fog would be truly shroud-worthy.  There were boulders near the water that were so black that they could not be over-looked unless you crawl right on top of them and then they can be overlooked, but I wanted to get closer the the water level.  It was cool watching a duck come out of the mist.  There were very few ducks and that surprised me.  I always thought that ducks and fog go together like ham and cheese, but that may have changed, besides I don't eat meat or dairy anymore, so that's changed, so why not ducks and fog.  I saw a single Longtail in search of its tail having a adventure in the fog, but ducks don't tell their tales, but I did hear a loud quack in the mist, accompanied by an echo, but that may have been my imagination, yet I'm quite certain the Longtail was real.  What do you think?

Dr. John

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Isn't that a female, so it would never "find" its long tail?


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Yes, it could be a female, or a juvenile male, but either way I'm not going to tell that duck the potentially devastating news.  If it's a female then it will never realize a long tail as accoutrement, but as consolation for remaining short-tailed it won't need to master the art of yodelling. Besides, didn't someone of note once say that girls have more fun.