I spent the entire weekend on the Carden Alvar and surrounds. Never seem to get tired of seeing what is expected on Carden and wasn't disappointed. Birding was good as usual but also enjoyed botanizing -trees, shrubs, wildflowers as well. Great all around experience and easily consumes a couple of days. Always more to see. A treat for the weekend was a C.Nighthawk out hunting in bright sunshine (4pm). Flew fairly close and had a long view. A lifer that had eluded me for some time was finally my biggest reward; a Grasshopper Sparrow. Bluebirds and Bobolinks seem to be fledging already. Had a pair of W.Turkey, he was displaying, she continued to forage. No sign of Lggerheads though and no one I spoke to had any sightings.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Ron Luft »
Good spotting! Never leave your bins at home.