Amherst Island - Eagles, Hawks and Shrikes
Outdoor Ontario

Amherst Island - Eagles, Hawks and Shrikes


  • Old Timer
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Good evening

Today Ian Cannell, myself and Brian McKnight - a friend of Ian's from Tucson, AZ visited Amherst Island for a very good outing on a beautiful day.

 I will start with the title Eagles. We found 3 Golden Eagles and 3 Northern Ravens at a deer ? carcass in a field at the corner of Emerald Road and 3rd Concession Road. These birds were a huge surprise as I do not remember any posts in the past about wintering Golden Eagles and we thought that the KFN people would be very interested in these birds seeing as they have an outing on Sunday on the Island.

 Other birds of note were 16 Long-eared, 9 Snowy, 2 Saw-whet, 1 Boreal ( a life bird for Brian ), and 4 Short-eared Owls, we didn't stay until dusk to "maybe" view more of them. 1 Ruby-crowned Kinglet male at the Owl Woods, 4 Northern Shrike, 32 Rough-legged Hawks, , a fair number of Red-tailed Hawks and Northern Harriers, 37 Snow Buntings, a male Ring-necked Pheasant, a 3rd Year Bald Eagle over the ice off of the west end of Front Road, A. Tree Sparrows, and Song Sparrow.


 Exit Hwy 401 at exit # 593 west of Napanee and drive south on County Rd 4 to Hwy 33 at Millhaven. (20 minute drive down County Road 4 ). Turn right (east) and drive a very short distance to the ferry dock. The ferry runs every hour on the half hour from 6:30am. (Fee $8.00 per vehicle).
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Anonymous »


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When we were crossing over on the ferry on Jan. 11, I  spotted a large bird sitting in a tree on the western tip of the island. I thought I saw a white head, but it was so far away a positive id was impossible, even with my glasses. I am going back down to Amherst Island in two weeks and plan on spending several hours looking for birds, especially the goldens. will post an update asap.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by robgilroy »