We were watching the World Cup yesterday afternoon in our apartment at Queen and Dowling when I (and one of my cats) heard something calling outside that wasn't a starling or a pigeon. We live across the street from a four-story apartment building, and when I looked out the window, low and behold perched on the corner of said building was a huge bird of prey. The call that I heard was actually a Blue Jay freaking out at the sight of it. I grabbed my binoculars and ran downstairs to observe it. All the Sunday afternoon shoppers were passing by on Queen and I kept pointing and saying "Check THAT out!"
One guy stopped and said that it was a pergrine falcon, but I'm quite sure this weren't no peregrine, my friends, it was GINORMOUS (is there accepted spelling for words that don't exist?) Anyway, it sat there for a few minutes being harrassed by the aforementioned Blue Jay and an apoplectic robin before casually taking off and loping away to the northwest.
Of course, I can't find my stinking Peterson's *anywhere* (I am *so sure* I brought it home from the cottage, but looks like maybe I didn't). It was probably a juvenile something, as its colouration was non-descript and when it took off its wings were all ragged (inexperience at fighting off, um, blue jays I guess?) Gut says Red-Tail, as that's the most likely suspect, but what struck me was its absolutely *massive* beak. Eagle? Eagle? No, no, Julia, settle down. Red-tail, red-tail, infused with a good dose of World Cup Fever and Sunday Afternoon Paralysis. Anyway, still quite a sight for the impenetrable wilderness that is Parkdale.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Julia »
Curtsey while you\'re thinking what to say - it saves time.