I witnessed a family of these little critters hit by a car, when I went to rescue the two little ones that were left on highway, I couldn't identity them. The mother was a non-flying beige/brown/white (very soft downy not stiff feathers)with the three little ones behind, she and one of last babies was wiped out by a car. Sorry but I hope the car driver, who had time plenty of time to divert, get's what's coming to him soon.
Mother was about size of cornish hen, head size of small golf ball with a long uniform straw like beak about 5 inches long all. I am still heart broken that had I known the mother had been hit as well I would have taken in the two chick to seek help from some organization but, as it was I let them run off the side of the road. When I discovered the mother about 500 feet later, I tried to catch the chick but they were running in the long brush and chirping away loudly. I hope they will survive but I am now regretting my mistake.
Are these things rare, or what are they?