The following were sightings Fri - Sun AM made at various locations:
Lakeside Park Oakville : Coopers Hawk flying low in the trees and being followed by a Grackle, 5 Cedar Waxwings, Orchard Oriole F., a pair of Red Cardinals, 2 Crows,
Queenston/ Niagara : Scarlet Tanagers M & F , Baltimore Orioles.
Trafalgar Rd. Oakville : Red Tailed Hawk perched on a light standard over the road
My Backyard in Clarkson : Sharp-Shinned Hawk perched in a tree in my backyard checking out the feeder - found dove feathers on the grass Wed AM - local pigeon keeper has stopped releasing his birds . Robin surveying my veggie garden spadings from about 5 ft away.
Clarkson: 4 turkey vultures circling above MacDonalds . Some attraction here since I've seen them come in low in the past