Hello Misty
Just a heads up
Immature Turkey Vultures have black heads as well. And have lead to misidentified Black Vultures in the past.
Black Vultures in Ontario are quite rare usually less than 5 sightings of Individual birds in a year. The point petre bird I do believe is number 3 or 4 for this year I knew of.
Black Vultures are on the Southern Ontario review list
http://www.ofo.ca/checklist/south.php" Ontario is divided into north and south regions at latitude 47 degrees North; thus, the cities of Sault Ste. Marie, Sudbury and North Bay are in the southern region of the province. OBRC requests documentation when the species on the list below is recorded in the South. To submit a report"
If you are confident on your sighting I recommend submit a report, for 3-5 Black vultures in Ontario is extremely rare sighting.
ps Brandon Holden just found a Dickcissel this morning at Point Petre