Today I headed down to the Toronto Islands again and to my delight I found Ian Cannell and Margaret Liubavicius already there, 2 more people enjoying the great weather.
Passerine migration seemed to have flattened out for the time being with most of the Warblers being in the Wards Island ferry dock area, but there were some birds through out The Islands. We came up with 68 species. Though Passerines have slowed Raptors are picking up and we spotted 7 raptor Species totalling 78 Raptors despite unfavourable winds.
Following are some of the high lights of our walk on such a beautiful day - Horned Grebe, Canvasback, Long-tailed Duck, 16 N. Harriers, 7 Cooper's Hawks, 43 Sharp-shinned Hawks, 3 Red-tailed Hawks, 4 A. Kestrels and 4 Merlins, Belted Kingfishers, Warbling, Philadelphia and Red-eyed Vireos, 22 Black-capped Chickadees, Ruby-crowned Kinglets, 20 Warbler species including 2 late Yellow Warblers, Chestnut-sided, Nashville, Magnolia, Blackburnian, Palm, Bay-breasted, Blackpoll, Black-and-white, 1 Connecticut, Mourning, Wilson's, Canada, Lincoln's Sparrow, Scarlet Tanager and lots of Cedar Waxwings.
Not a typical early September day down there but with favourable weather large numbers of Sparrows, Kinglets, Thrushes and more warblers can be expected in the next 2 or 3 weeks.