American wigeon at Humber Bay East
Outdoor Ontario

American wigeon at Humber Bay East

Guest · 6 · 1666

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nice day to bird at Humber Bay East.
i went there expecting nothing and saw the mockingbird and some American wigeons. otherwise, not a lot of birds (we have better results at our backyard feeder)
sadly, not a lot of the wigeon pictures turned out (camera didn't want to focus properly). but this guy was a cutie.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by »

David Shilman

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Nice!  Nice movement of the water, too.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by David Shilman »
David Shilman
Toronto, ON

"Always wave to the locals!"

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here's the uncropped pic:

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by »

Ron Luft

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I could add several Gr.Wing Teals between East & West, Great Black Backed G., Herring G., Hooded Merg's & 1 L.Scaup(East) GBH in mid waterway E.Humb.Bay.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Ron Luft »
Good spotting! Never leave your bins at home.


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I was lucky enough to get fairly up close and personal with a long-tailed duck yesterday at Humber Bay.  He was right down by the shore and I was walking where not many people walk and there he was but he swam off pretty quickly.  Beautiful.

I thought I saw some RedHeads.  Was pretty sure, did anyone else seem them?

I don't know how to post here but the link to my flickr photos is below and my photos of the long-tailed is there.

See my photos:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by KPaw »

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Quote from: "KPaw"
I was lucky enough to get fairly up close and personal with a long-tailed duck yesterday at Humber Bay.  He was right down by the shore and I was walking where not many people walk and there he was but he swam off pretty quickly.  Beautiful.

I thought I saw some RedHeads.  Was pretty sure, did anyone else seem them?

I don't know how to post here but the link to my flickr photos is below and my photos of the long-tailed is there.

See my photos:

i saw the long-tailed duck as well. was sitting on a log in the pond across from the butterfly garden. was too far to get a picture and was kind of squatting.

what do you mean by red heads? saw some female mergansers, if that's what you mean.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by »