Yesterday I thought I was hearing Cedar Waxwings. Here I am searching the trees to no avail.
Today a bird making the same sounds flew past me landed in a nearby tree hmmm. its a Brown creeper..
I follow similar sounds around to the neighbours spruce.. I find a bird a so tiny I can't make it out hiding in the shadows. Thankfully it popped onto a bare branch bathed in light.. It's a Golden crowned Kinglet.
Go figure.. :roll:
http://outdoorontario.net/Gallery/Tiny-Township/GCKingletDSC_5165?full=1Napper :oops: at the beach Beauty day for November
edit:1 We use different routes home from North of Barrie each time.. This afternoon we drove past a what looked like a a small Raptor or possibly an Owl dead on the Centerville Creek Rd. South of Hwy 9. :x