Musings on the recent debate
Outdoor Ontario

Musings on the recent debate

BC · 2 · 4168


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The informative and educational content of this message board has been invaluable to my development as a birder. It has been distressing to witness its’ recent degeneration into some type of vaguely birding-related cyberspace version of the Jerry Springer show.

The debate that has prompted this phenomenon is not about birders versus photographers. It is about personal conduct and judgement which, in the field, should be guided by the ABA code of ethics available at the top of this page and, at the computer, should be influenced by the guidelines of this board. Our board guidelines are also available at the top of the page and have been recently reiterated in a plea for civility from our site administrator.

The majority of the posts of the past few weeks have taught me virtually nothing of the core issues of the debate. Quite the contrary, the steady stream of name-calling, finger-pointing and, astonishingly, a request for the posting of mug shots of offenders has been little more than divisive and destructive.

The November 15 Ontbirds post by Glenn Coady has stirred the pot. It must have been very difficult for Mr. Coady to publicly condemn the behavior of a friend, colleague and well-known birder. However, his firm belief in a code of conduct seems to have allowed no alternative. His well-written post clearly communicates his shock, frustration and disappointment. Perhaps, he did not need to identify the birder but there was none of the cynical tone that has characterized some responses to his post by other members. Mr. Coadys’ message is clear. This type of behavior is intolerable by anyone.

We have a wonderful community of bird lovers and this site is a vital link. I would hate to see experienced birders discontinue the posts which are our greatest asset. Visitors to the site should be able to follow a passionate debate which is conducted in a dignified manner and does credit to us all, whatever our point of view.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by BC »


  • Frequent Users
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Great post!
Very well written.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by thouc »