One thing I keep hearing, and do not understand at all, is people saying they "feel sorry" for the coyotes for being "forced" into living near people, and that they should be trapped and moved back to "the wild". What they don't understand is that the coyotes are choosing to live near us, because it's easy living and they are learing to exploit our behaviours. Snatching a loose dog or cat is easier and more rewarding than spending all day looking for rodents. More and more, people want "green spaces" in their cities - well, this is what comes with them, I say if you want the birds and the butterflies then you have to be prepared for the snakes, spiders, coyotes, and all the other links in the chain.
Not so much making this comment based on things I've read here, more from what I've heard from people at work, or in the news, etc.