One evening this week, just prior to dusk, I was walking down Lake Avenue in Stoney Creek.
Some birds caught my eye about seventy-five to a hundred feet above.
They were big. That is, at least as big as crows. And they were soaring. Not heading anywhere...just circling.
The thing is, my eye was caught by about six of them.
'That's strange,' I thought.
Then I kept counting as more came in from the north.
Looking up at them, I could see their broad wings were half gold, half black.
That they had small heads.
Additionally, they were silent.
I stood there for ten minutes, gazing up. (I had to move at one point, because I'd stopped on the sidewalk in the middle of someone's driveway!)
And wishing I'd brought my camera along.
Do you have any idea what these were?
I'm no birder, but I notice nature; these were unlike any birds I've ever seen before. Anywhere. (And I've spent lots of my life in Virginia and England.)
Whatever light you could shine would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance!