Good evening guys.
Today my plans were disrupted so I decided to head for Hawk Hill in High Park for some Raptor viewing and the following are MY UNOFFICIAL totals for the day.
- Turkey Vulture - 2
- Bald eagle - 2
- Sharp-shinned Hawk - 7
- Cooper's Hawk - 3
- Red-shouldered Hawk - 11
- Red-tailed Hawk - 337
- Rough-legged Hawk - 3
- Golden Eagle - 4
Other birds observerd were 250+ American Robins on, over and around the hill with lots of singing birds, 2 very vocal Hairy Woodpeckers, Rusty and Red-winged Blackbirds, Cedar Waxwings, but only 1 Common Loon.
Incidentally, the Cranbery Marsh Hawk watch had a total of 707 Raptors today. Shows the difference between the two areas when the winds cause the Raptors to migrate further south along the lake shore.