With a 3rd day of favorable winds,todays being the strongest,I was hopeful of a good day,but this late in the season didnt expect the day I had. To my surprise I had several small kettles of Redtailed Hawks,ranging from 3 to 10. There were also several times when the Redtails were streaming. One lowish Red-shouldered Hawk circled offering a great view. 2 Crows chased what was probably not a localish Northern Goshawk,through the park at a low level. I had a wonderful view as the Gos went over me at only about 20ft..almost too fast for binos. The same 2 crows also harrassed a Redtailed Hawk,providing a bit of a thrill for Gail. A dark-morph Roughlegged Hawk circled somewhat low,and was bird #100. I was very pleased to get a day of 100 in November. The final total was:
Sharpshinned Hawk......5
Coopers Hawk..............2
Northern Goshawk........1
Red-shouldered Hawk...2
Red-tailed Hawk.........100
Rough-legged Hawk.....3
American Kestrel.........1
These days it pays to hit your favorite raptor watch on days with a strong element of north in the winds. While it is definetly winding down,thats the best chance to see a number of raptors this time of year.