Super pics - especially the Whip-poor-will. Most unusual find. How on earth did you find and photo it (thought they are nocturnal) ? We heard one last night near our back yard around 9:30 ... but of course it was quite dark by then.
i had nothing to do with finding it.
an elderly photographer was hanging out with me near the front of Thickson Woods for a bit. i wandered to the back and met him again in the front. asked if he saw anything interesting and he lead me to the whip-poor-will.
never in a million years would i have spotted it.
but hey, i pointed out the scarlet tanager for him, so we're even
it makes it special knowing that its a slightly-endangered species and having the chance to take a picture of it. sadly, all of my 15 pics of it (taken over 20 minutes) are the exact same. it never moved and only opened its eye slightly (as seen in the pic)