After our family destroyed our Christmas wrappings, I ventured outside and was surprised how warm and Foggy it was.
I heard what I thought was a duck like quack, I looked up and was surprised to see a large all white gull fly over my house (no black on it's wing tips) thru the fog. Moments later four more followed heading North West I guess.
I have never seen anything other than Ring Bills & Herring gulls around here in farm fields and at the pond I like so much. I'll have to have a closer look back there.
I did indulge in some Christmas cheer last night but that had absolutely no influence on what I saw.. Although my wife might think otherwise.. The Fog was not in my head.
Later I Ventured over to my favourite spot and found the pond was empty with the execption of one lone Common Goldeneye . I was able to spot on the way back along the creek/scrub area American tree sparrows, Song Sparrows, Dark Eyed Junkos A Redtail Hawk and heard American Gold finch's.. No Shrike, unfortunately that was probably a one time sighting.
Back along my street lots of bird activity 6 Junkos in the neighbours tree, Doves and more Gold Finches,
Tonight at dusk a lone female Cardinal was in the bushes along my house making sure it was safe to hit the feeder. (No birds at my feeders for a while now)
Oh yeah, last night I noticed hundreds and hundreds of geese moving West from the fields back there.
Hope everyone has/had a safe and happy holiday