Eastern Wood Peewee, Tiny township
Outdoor Ontario

Eastern Wood Peewee, Tiny township

Napper · 1 · 1292


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Hey folks.

Another glorious day is shaping up here by the beach!  We are Sitting on the Deck mulling should we stay another day.:(

Yesterday while sitting on the deck I hear a curious sound coming from the trees behind our place. A Clear and distinct
Pee-a-Wee over and over again. I put my refreshment down struggled to get up and walked up the road directly beneath the tree where the call is coming from.
At the very top of some very tall oak trees is a Eastern Wood Peewee fly catching.  Curious thou it had a hint of yellow on its underside?
There were a pair of Downy woodpeckers and a pair of Hairy Woodpeckers about as well.

Today Northern flickers are about. I am hearing Red-eyed Vireos, white breasted Nuthatches, Robins, Chickadees,  Eastern Phoebe. American Gold finches,Chipping sparrows, Song Sparrows , blue Jays and a House Wren I think.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Napper »
Interesting site you should check out is https://spaceweather.com/
flkr...http://www.flickr.com/photos/36614671@N06/   Recent updates 2017 old pics
You know your getting old when.....wait, what?