Some lovely new books.
Topical and easy to read is Kerlinger, Paul and Pat Archer Illus),
How Birds Migrate, Stackpole Books (, 1995.
In four volumes, for browsing, try Sandilands, Al and Ross James (illus),
Birds of Ontario: Habitat Requirements, Limiting Factors & Status UBC Press ( 2005.
It comes in hardcover versions ($90+) & the cheaper softcover versions ($40) are just being released. (I bought the first volume.)
The 4 volumes:
1--Nonpasserines: Waterfowl through Cranes
2--Nonpasserines: Shorebirds through Woodpeckers
3--Passerines: Flycatchers through Waxwings
4--Passerines: Wood-warblers through Old World Sparrows.