West Side Marsh, Darlington Pond, Solina- Sept. 23
Outdoor Ontario

West Side Marsh, Darlington Pond, Solina- Sept. 23


  • Old Timer
  • *****
    • Posts: 315
A busy day for warblers @ West Side.

species include: n. parula, nashville, magnolia, blackburnian, bay-breasted, common yellowthroat, redstart, palm, yellow-rumped, black-throated green, chestnut-sided, tennessee, blackpoll...

other birds of interest

-rose-breasted grosbeak
-brown thrasher
-swainsons and hermit thrush
-e. pee wee
-e. phoebe
-white throated and white crowned sparrow
-ruby throated hummingbird
-ruby crowned and golden crowned kinglets
-wood duck

Darlington Pond

-greater yellowlegs
-american wigeon
-blue-winged and green-winged teal
-wilson's snipe


-juvenile bald eagle
-N. harrier
-red tail
-purple finches (2 females)
-hairy woodpecker

A very busy day with lots to see.

Happy birding!

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by beresford »


  • Old Timer
  • *****
    • Posts: 315
This past Snday and Monday @ West Side Marsh were busy days I spotted:

-red-eyed, blue-headed and philadelphia warblers
-white crowned, white-throated, swamp and lincoln sparrows, and a lone, early American tree sparrow
-juvenile cooper's hawk, perched in the open 40 feet away
-brown thrasher
-peregrine falcon
-brown creeper
-rusty blackbirds (about 15 or so)

warbler species included: blackpoll, bay-breasted, n.Parula, blackburnian, black-throated green and blue, nashville, plam, yellow-rumped

Just enjoying the last bountiful days of Fall migration (at least of passerines).

Happy birding.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by beresford »


  • Old Timer
  • *****
    • Posts: 315
Sept. 30- West Side Marsh

-2 osprey
-wilson warbler-2
-blue-headed, philadelphia, red yed vireos
-n. parula-3
-e. towhee
-white-crowned, swamp, lincoln sparrows
-yellow-bellied sapsuckers-2

Darlington Pond

-Wilson's snipe
-American wigeons
-Black-crowned night & green herons

Another good day!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by beresford »