Outdoor Ontario


Marek · 3 · 1904


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I wasn't sure what kind of bird it is. Only today it occured to me that this can be Shrike. Loggerhead or Northern? I have no idea.
Am I right?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Marek »

Kin Lau

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Northern Shrike.

The Loggerhead shrike has long since gone south and also has a broader mask.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Kin Lau »


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Yes, any surviving loggerheads are currently sitting on hydro lines in Florida, or just 'hanging out' in warmer climes ... still, a Northern shrike in the city is always worth a peek -- where's it lurking?

Listen for a maevolent thrasher-like chorus, if it's holding territory.

My Aunt -- and she's doing well, honestly -- still breaks into a shrieking "Mockingbird! Mockingbird! Mockingbird!" outburst whenever we spot  a shrike (or a fire hydrant, among other sights), and it just brings back the early wonder of chasing birds around when I was a lot younger, and following mysterious songs to their conclusion. You never forget a tune when it takes you almost three hours to find the vocalist ...

Any Mocker locations posted would be appreciated -- my most reliable guy had 3/4 of his habitat destroyed last September.  I'm still looking, but I think he's rather offended, and has moved on.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by norman »
"If John Denver wasn\'t already dead, I guess I\'d have to kill him."