Hat's Off To Big Frank
Outdoor Ontario

Hat's Off To Big Frank

MEGHAN · 3 · 2235


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Hey Folks,

I would like to publically congratulate Big Frank for another awesome season of Raptor counting at Rosetta McClain Gardens.
He and his wingman Walter were able to blast through a lot of old records and had a great time doing it.
Unfortunately, I was only able to make it out there a handful of times this season but it was crazy exciting each time I showed up.
To anyone who has not had the chance to join these two gentlemen, I strongly recommend it. Not only for the thrill of migrating raptors sometimes flying so close they leave wing burn on your face, but also for the great time to be had there.
These guys are a wealth of information, stories, and the occasional bad joke.  :D   I have always had a great time there, even when Mother Nature unexpectedly shifts the wind direction without letting anyone know first. :roll:
Here are the totals for this year:
Taken from Frank's Blog
Final Totals
1195-Turkey Vulture
73-Bald Eagle
322-Northern Harrier
2797-Sharpshinned Hawk
82-Coopers Hawk
17-Northern Goshawk
21-Redshouldered Hawk
190-Broadwinged Hawk
707-Redtailed Hawk
28-Roughlegged Hawk
11-Golden Eagle
719-American Kestrel
85-Peregrine Falcon
6545-Final Total
Thanks to everyone for an amazing season.
We also counted:
44-Great Blue Heron
20-Common Nighthawk
410-Common Loons
Oddities Seen This Season:
Cave Swallows
Sandhill Cranes
Snow Geese
American White Pelican
White-winged Crossbills
Short-eared Owl
Rusty Blackbirds

All the information you need as well as daily updating can be found on Franks Blog at:  

Frank does have a lot of help, and he'll tell you that these numbers would not be possible without the very many people who join him everyday, but if it wasn't for Frank then no one else would be there.
Forgive me Frank if I am speaking out of turn, but I think you deserve a round of applause and a pat on the back for a absolutely fantastic year.
I encourage everyone to head to Rosetta McClain Gardens for the next migration.
It's a long wait, but well worth it.
Thanks Frank and Walter for another great year. Congrats on the final totals.
P.S…One day I'll make it there before you guys.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by MEGHAN »
"Birds are a visual treat that reaffirms the joy and goodness of living. Birds are also the most elegant expression of life”.
Roger Tory Peterson



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Thanks Meghan for your kind words. Walter and I enjoyed your company and we look forward to seeing you and so many others next fall. Im sure we will see you in our travels over the winter someplace.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by BIGFRANK »


  • Old Timer
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Hi there

I have not yet met Frank
but he is a wealth of Information

have spoken to him though
and his website is great

tks for sharing

Maybe one day!

with a car pool

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by egret »