Coopers Hawk - N. Brampton
Outdoor Ontario

Coopers Hawk - N. Brampton


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No sooner do I make a post about a Mockingbird than all sorts of activity happens here.
Working at the PC, there is a bang at the window, and there is Coopers Hawk panting in the snow. One Mourning Dove less.....
I wish he'd have a go at a squirrel instead.
I managed a few photos...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by northerner2 »


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Two years ago when we actually had birds show up in the Winter a similar thing happened in our backyard.

I watched it happen. Dove with Hawk in pursuit, Bang and Hawk puts on the airbrakes before it hits the glass door.

A friend in Beeton told me story that a Coopers hawk used this method of attack all winter long. It would attack in a way that the Doves would hit some part of

his house every couple days.

Napper:)  Pictures?

p.s. We have no Doves this year and very few Goldfinches and Chickadee's at the feeder.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Napper »
Interesting site you should check out is
flkr...   Recent updates 2017 old pics
You know your getting old when.....wait, what?