Bohemian waxwings- Long Sault- Feb. 10
Outdoor Ontario

Bohemian waxwings- Long Sault- Feb. 10


  • Old Timer
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Sigthings over the course of the last 2 weeks. I figured I put them up in one blurb.

Feb. 10 Long Sault

-1 robin
-2 rb nuthctahes
-1 wb nuthatch
-1 RTH
-20 wild turkeys
-2 ravens
-70+ bohemian waxwings- they were buzzing all around the head of trails in groups of 10-40- I finally caught up with them not far away on the eastern cottontail trail and they let me approach quite close- awesome to see them again
-300 snow buntings- a huge flock- on Conlin Rd. just E. of Solina
-1 song sparrow
-1 f cardinal

Feb.9 Thickson Woods

-1 rb nuthatch
-2 wb nuthatches
-1 f rb woodpecker
-3m 1f cardinal
-1 GHO- perched in the open for a change
-2m 4f house finch
-1 brown creeper
-3 wt sparrows

Feb. 5 Whitby harbour and the E. end of pebblestone Rd. in Courtice

-1 juv. red-shouldered hawk- watched it for several minutes perched on the skeleton of a sign on the s. side of the creek
-1m 4f long-tailed ducks
-1 greater black-backed gull


-1m 1f pileated they were buzzing all around the start of the trail- allowing me some great close-ups especially the male- what a brilliant bird!
-1 barred owl- perched in the tree not far from the female pileated. seemed unbothered by my presence
-15 robins

Feb. 1- Amherst Island- Owl Woods

-1m rb woodpecker
-1 hairy woodpecker
-9 RTH
-6 snow buntings
-1 adult bald eagle
-1 wb nuthatch
-1m 1f cardinal
-4 adult 3 juvenile rough-legged hawks, 1 dark morph adult, some great looks- great to see them in such abundance
-1 hawk owl- very obliging- a lifer for me
-2 northern shrikes, 1 adult 1 juvenile

Other odds and ends
-1 m pileated woodpecker- sunnidale park barrie
-1 f pileated 1 N. Shrike near Kendal
-1 m cooper's hawk- near Waupoos
-1 N. Flicker, 20 robins near PE Point

Another great stretch of winter birding. Can't wait for the warmer weather.

Happy birding!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by beresford »


  • Old Timer
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I'm just taking another moment to post my sightings over the past weeks. A relatively quiet stretch compared to the rest of the winter. But not without its highlights.

Feb.13- Waterfront Trail

-1 N. harrier
-2 kestrels
-2 RTH
-5m 6f rb mergansers (Bowmanville waterfront)

Feb.15 Long Sault & Whitby harbour

-1m 1f cardinal
-1m wb nuthatch
-1f rb nuthatch
-20 wild turkeys (on Middle Rd just before Co. Rd. 20)

Whitby Harbour

-1 juv red-shouldered hawk- (the same one from 10 days before) perched on the telephone wires near the feeder creek- stayed put while I got out of the car and enjoyed a rare (for me) close-up- A great bird-
-1m 2f long-tailed ducks
-9m 5f common mergansers

Feb.16- Courtice Rd. N

-just before Taunton Rd. I spotted a flock of 35 snow buntings- the second time this year I've spotted some there

Feb.17- Cranberry Marsh

-the local barred owl- was very obliging
-1m 5f wild turkeys- the male came after me when I tried to slip around him- not a bird to mess with
-3 robins
-4m 5f long-tailed ducks (Whitby Harbour)
-2m 2f red breasted mergansers
-1m 1f cardinal
-1 sharp-shinned hawk -a juvenile male

Feb. 20- Second Marsh

-2 RTH
-1 greater black-backed gull
-1 N. mockingbird
-24 common redpolls- foraging on the sandbar across the stream at the SW corner
-1 hoary redpoll- spotted the little lad or lady mixing with the others- fortunately for me he allowe me a great close-up as did most of them- a lifer
-6m 12f l-t ducks

Bowmanville Valley

-1 robin
-3m cardinals- one singing his oh so welcome spring song
-6m 11f house finch
-2 f downy woodpeckers
-6 black ducks
-1 juv. m cooper's hawk- a great look- allowed me to approach quite close before I left him alone
-1 hairy woodpecker
-3 cedar waxwings

Odds and Ends

-1 N. shrike- on the waterfront trail between Bennett Rd. and Bowmanville Harbour- best close-up all month by far

Happy Birding one and all. Can't wait for Spring. I'm tired of dressing in countless layers.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by beresford »


  • Old Timer
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Some great sightings Tim - congrats!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Moira »