Fox Sparrows,1000 Broad-winged Hawks,Sandpipers Grimsby Area
Outdoor Ontario

Fox Sparrows,1000 Broad-winged Hawks,Sandpipers Grimsby Area


  • Old Timer
  • *****
    • Posts: 104
Went to Beamer Hawkwatch in Grimsby today for the open house and was a great day for hawk migration, in couple hours saw about 1000 Broad-winged hawks go through!
Also saw a juvenile Bald eagle, Osprey, Rough-legged hawk, Red-shouldered hawk, Northern Harriers,Sharp-shinned, Coopers, and Red-Tail Hawks. Beside the hawkwatch are a couple
feeders and 4 Fox sparrows were feeding here with White-throated sparrows, Juncos, cardinals and chickadees.
Earlier we went along Ridge road in Stoney Creek and went down 5th road where in a flooded field on one side of the road there were 15-20 Wilson's snipe hiding in the field, on the other
side of the road saw 4 Pectoral sandpipers, 6 Dunlin, Both Yellowlegs and Killdeer. Finally some sandpipers are moving through :)
Have put photos from today on my website at
Can see where i saw the birds by clicking map under any photo on my website, have geotagged my photos.

Good Birding Andrew
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by adonbirder »