Point Pelee May 11-13
Outdoor Ontario

Point Pelee May 11-13

peter monahan

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Just back from 3 days at Pelee and had a great time despite 2 colossal thunderstorms in the night. [I was tenting.]

The park has a "100 Bird Challenge" on to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the National Park service.  I got 94 by Thursday night and didn't expect to get the last 6 before i had to leave at noon on Friday but in fact I wound up with 103 species for the three day total.  The last 7 were: Carolina Wren, Yellow Throated Vireo, Swainson's Thrush, Canada Warbler, a Bufflehead at the tip, Wilson's Phalarope [at Hillman's Marsh] and a Great Crested Flycatcher.  Also, two life list birds: a Hooded Warbler and an immature Pacific Loon, which was there all week.

There was very good warbler action on Thursday, including Cape Mays, Blackburnians, Canadas, Orange Crowned, Hooded and Wilson's.  There were two Prothonothary, one probably resident according to the experts but I don't think there were any confirmed Connecticut.  Many species were 'running late' - I even saw a Junco, 3 weeks overdue to be gone!  Hillman's marsh, inckuded in the challenge, had Dunlin, Dowitcher, Blackbellied Plover [& and maybe 1 Golden], the Phalarope and the ususal terns and gulls plus a massive number of warblers and vireos both Thursday and Friday.

All in all, well worth the drive!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by peter monahan »


  • Old Timer
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For the first time, I never heard a Carolina Wren when we were down Mother's Day weekend. I'm glad you had a good time albeit a bit damp.  :D
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Lloyd »