I spent most of the weekend camping here, and saw a number of interesting species along the trail around the lake:
many wood duck
1 hummingbird
flycatchers: 8 pewee, 2 alder, 1 willow, 2 least, 1 great crested, 5 kingbird
rough-winged, barn, tree, cliff swallow
marsh wrens
4 veery (heard only)
warblers: 10 yellow, 1 yellow-rumped, 1 pine, 3 ovenbird, 1 northern waterthrush, 20+ yellowthroat
sparrows: 2 towhee, 15 chipping, 5 field, 1 savannah, 10 song, 15 swamp, 2 white-throated
2 indigo bunting
2 eastern meadowlark