dangerous house wren
Outdoor Ontario

dangerous house wren

RKD · 4 · 2852


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We used to be friends...sort of...
A pair of house wrens have taken up residence in the "bluebird box" at the edge of my veggie patch. This is after the sweetest pair of chickadees raised their springtime family in the same box and moved out. I thought "wonderful" as they helped keep the cabbage worms somewhat controlled. The chicks are getting bigger as I hear them  loudly chirping when mom/dad arrive with food.
In the last few days it's been down right dangerous for me to go into the garden. They bombard me constantly, making skin contact, and it's starting to hurt as they are getting more violent. My husband (no hair on top) doesn't dare to go near the garden. And I've dug out my hat to wear for protection as well as glasses. They sometime swoop right in towards my face and I seriously don't trust them.
Who would have thought that such cute "little" birds could be so aggressive not that I blame them but really, all I want to do is pick my beans...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by RKD »


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That is sad to hear. On and around my home and backyard, I've had several nesting Robins (one active nest right now), Sparrows and House Finches over the last several years. I refuse to be held hostage on my own property so, like it or not, any "squatters" are going to have to get use to my existence.  I carry on like normal and make my presence known and I often raise my voice somewhat to give my feathered friends ample warning. But I don't aggressively approach the nest site. It seems to work. I got dive-bombed a few times but I'm still here and they realize I'm not a threat. Having said that, when my wife makes an appearance, well that's a different story.....
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Lloyd »

Halton Hills

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I find the aggressiveness can vary quite a bit across the same species depending on the "personality" of each bird.

Usually, my tree swallows are pretty tame and would even tolerate house inspections without much fanfare.

They would even casually sit on the roof of the box as I drove by on my lawn mower...... 8)

But this year......wow.....walk within 50 feet and it was full battle mode with multiple bombing runs.

Luckily I haven't been "hit" yet.....but I don't think they read the spring memo regarding my "friend" status..... :shock:

Hope all is well down in the Glen......I've added eight new Bluebirds to the local population this summer.....hope they pay you a visit...... :wink:

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Halton Hills »
The world is your oyster........shuck away.... \"8)\"



  • Old Timer
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Thanks for the replies,
 You'll be happy to know they have moved out as of yesterday. Yes, I can garden in peace again.

And I am glad the bluebirds are nesting in your yard HH instead oh here, as you mentioned earlier with house wrens present they wouldn't have a chance. Even my cat who is very old and can't hear anymore (past his hunting days) wasn't quite sure why the wrens were attaching him too.

I agree on the personality thing. My daughter who has dozens of tree swallow families in her research has one male who acts this aggressively towards her.
I'll be watching for your bluebirds this winter!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by RKD »