Good day all
This morning on a whim I made a quck stop at Colonel Sam Smith Park at the foot of Kipling Ave. in Etobicoke and during a short 2 hour visit I found 48 species of birds of which a majority were the usual suspects and the following are some of the high lights.
In a bay on the east side of the park were 21 Horned Grebes, 42 Red-necked Grebes, 3 American Wigeons and 20+ Red-breasted Mergansers and in the marina bay were a further 2 Red-necked Grebes as well as 6 Lesser Scaup. Overhead at the marina were lots of Barn and Tree Swallows and 2 Rough-winged Swallows, Common and Caspian Terns, and behind the marina a Northern Mockingbird was in full song and mock

In the other areas of the park I found Downy and Hairy Woodpeckers, N. Flickers, 4 Brown Creepers, both Kinglets, Hermit Thrushes, Nasville, Yellow-rumped and Palm Warblers, 20+ Chipping Sparrows, a Field Sparrow, Dark-eyed Juncos still, and a Brown Thrasher and several gayly singing House Finches.