Water levels were low in lagoons this year so some birds are struggling but I still saw plenty egrets, snow and cattle and a couple of greats. (As usual many cattle egrets in ditches at side of road on Tamiami Trail, Highway 41, but new for me this year 2 glossy ibis searching for water in ditch at busy intersection on this main road.) A swallow tail kite flew over the road.
Sanibel- "Ding" Darling Park: One roseate spoonbill resting in a tree. 2 red shouldered hawks, many osprey with their chicks. 1 white ibis, many little blue herons and snowy egrets. 1 female red breasted merganser. 1 cardinal
Captiva- Bonaparte gulls, (others but didn't try to identify), brown pelicans, GB heron
Lovers Key (Bonita Beach area): plovers nesting. Saw 2 Wilson's plovers, one paler than other, at edge of water.
Boca Grande- 2 red bellied woodpeckers and ONE GREEN BIRD, looked like a parrot - thought I must be dreaming!
Several mag. frigatebirds flying over Marina. (I've only seen solitary birds before.)
Venice: in the town, more green birds - this time I am definitely awake and my husband can see them too - Monk Parakeets. Also resting on the rooftops, 3 white ibis. On the beach: Ruddy turnstones. At harbour: herons++
Port Charlotte harbour: bottlenose dolphins. Least terns (black skimmers not seen this year.)
Punta Gorda/Peace River (mix of fresh and saltwater)- at Rookery: woodstorks and chicks. Herons:GB, LB, Tricolour. Ibis-glossy and white. Snowy egrets. Sandhill cranes at Babcock Webb environment area, also limpkin.
Ponce de Leon Pk: Herons: green, juv. blk crowned and juv. and adult yellow crowned, GB and LGB. Good trip!